Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner Professional Training Course

Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner Professional Training Course

We offer a comprehensive online Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner Professional Training Course so that health professionals of all types will learn exactly how to administer homeoprophylaxis for their clients and patients and how to customize HP programs for all ages for any infectious diseases of concern.

Contact us for more information and to enroll in this course as a professional.

About The Homeoprophylaxis Professional Practitioner Training Course

The comprehensive online course is completed over 90 days and includes 20 modules. It takes about 20 hours to complete and is done at your own pace online. There are short assignments per module and close communication with the expert Instructor throughout the course. Your questions or concerns are answered directly by the Instructor as you proceed through the course.

About The Expert Instructor For The Homeoprophylaxis Professional Practitioner Training Course

Our top expert Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner teaches this online professional course.  She is a Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH) and a Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner (CHP) who has been in full time private practice serving thousands of clients with homeopathic services over 15+ years.  She has worked with hundreds of families and thousands of people providing homeoprophylaxis services in the USA and internationally.

The expert Instructor also has a high recovery success rate in very complex cases using homeopathy and homeopathic prescribing including for those with autoimmune diseases, autism, breast cancer, Celiac disease, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, infertility,  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), “Long Covid Syndrome”, Lyme Disease, Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO), thyroid diseases, ulcerative colitis, vaccine injuries of all types including Covid, women’s health issues and many other very complex health issues.

Enrollment Requirements For The Homeoprophylaxis Professional Practitioner Training Course

  • This Course is for professional Health Care Providers including: Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Doctors, Fitness Coaches, Health Coaches, Homeopaths, Medical Doctors, Nutritional Consultants, Registered Nurses and others with formal training in the field of alternative health or traditional medicine.
  • You may enroll in this course with proof of your credentials.
  • You may be living in any country to take this online course.

There  20 Modules In The Homeoprophylaxis Professional Practitioner Training Course Include:

  1. Introduction to homeoprophylaxis (HP) and how homeopathy is used to boost natural immunity to infectious diseases.
  2. The basic principles of homeoprophylaxis.
  3. The history of homeoprophylaxis use and its positive outcomes in disease prevention in large populations.
  4. The historic use of homeoprophylaxis and its success in global populations.
  5. A review of the clinical research on HP over the past 200 years.
  6. The effectiveness of HP based on modern research by Dr. Isaac Golden.
  7. Recent HP research on the successful use of homeoprophylaxis including during recent epidemics.
  8. How homeopathic remedies are made and their safety in use for HP.
  9. How to administer the standard 10 disease Infant and Children’s HP Program.
  10. What specific diseases are included in the standard 10 disease Infant and Children’s HP Program.
  11. How to administer the standard 10 disease Infant and Children’s HP Program.
  12. The most common infectious childhood diseases and what homeopathic remedies are used to treat these conditions.
  13. How to administer the Supplemental HP Program during community disease outbreaks.
  14. How to design and administer HP programs for college students and medical students.
  15. How to design and administer HP programs for adults. seniors and business travelers.
  16. How to design and administer HP programs for mission works and tourists.
  17. How to design and administer HP programs for various tropical and infectious diseases including Dengue Fever, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis and Yellow Fever and others.
  18. How to design and administer HP programs for community outbreaks and epidemics.
  19. How to integration HP with other homeopathic prescribing.
  20. Tips for integrating HP into your current health care practice…and more!
Immunity Boosting Experts - Homeoprophylaxis Programs For Children and Adults

Immunity Boosting Experts – Homeoprophylaxis Programs For Children and Adults

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