Japanese Encephalitis Homeoprophylaxis

Japanese Encephalitis Homeoprophylaxis

Contact us for more information about homeoprophylaxis for Japanese Encephalitis.

Please download the presentation about Japanese Encephalitis in India from 2016 called Japanese Encephalitis In India.

By Associate Professor, Department of Organon of Medicine,
J.S.P.S. Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Ramanthapuram, Hyderabad 500013, India.
Email:   srinivasulugadugu@gmail.com

Prof. Shailendra K. Saxena
FAEB, FIVS, FBRS, FCMS, MNYAS (USA), MASM (USA), MASV (USA), PhD, DCAP, Professor & Head Department of Stem Cell / Cell culture Centre for Advance Research (CFAR), King George’s Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow – 226003, India.

About Japanese Encephalitis (JE)

  • One of important viral encephalitis world-wide.
  • Emerging disease in India.
  • Primarily affects children under age 15 years.
  • Cause of acute viral encephalitis.
  • Leading cause  of  Acute   Encephalitis  Syndrome (AES) in Asia.

Japanese Encephalitis Statistics

  • 70% of  those   who   develop  illness either die  or survive with a long term neurological debility.
  • Since the first case of JE was documented in the late 19th century, the disease has spread beyond its early domain – traveling as far as Australia by the year 2000.
  • Over the past 60 years, it has been estimated that JE has infected 10 million children globally, killing 3 million and causing long-term disability in 4 million.
  • Countries have not been able to generate adequate JE surveillance data because of the difficulty in making a clinical recognition of the disease.
  • Reporting and the lack of sufficient laboratory support has also been a problem.
  • Even in countries with adequate surveillance data, there are only a few interventions that countries can adopt to control the disease.
  • Despite the fact that 68 percent of the babies born in Asia are at risk for JE, there remain major gaps on JE reporting, effecting decision making purposes.
  • Historically, vector control has been the mainstay of JE control, but it has had a limited impact and requires large resources because the vector breeds in paddy fields.

About The Japanese Encephalitis Virus

  • The JE virus (JEV) is a member of the genus Flaviviridae, together with the Yellow Fever virus and Dengue Virus.
  • The JE virus belongs to the same serological group as the West Nile virus (WNV) and the Louis Encephalitis Virus (SLEV).
  • With the help of genome sequencing studies, it has been possible to determine the various genotypes of JEV in circulation in different geographic areas
  • The two Indian isolates [GP78 and Vellore P20778] show genetic similarity to the Chinese SA14 and Beijing genotypes.

Communicability  and Transmission Of Japanese Encephalitis

  • The JE virus is transmitted by the Culex mosquitoes particularly of the Culex vishnui group (Cx. tritaeneorhynchus).
  • Water birds    and   pigs    play    a    major  role   as amplifying hosts.
  • Humans get infected following a bite by an infected mosquite.
  • However, as human are dead end hosts, further spread from human to human does not take place.

Homeopathic Prevention Remedies For Japanese Encephalitis

  • Arsenicum Album 200C
    Arsenicum Album is prescribed when degenerative changes occur in the brain or any organ begin. The patient is highly restless. There is thirst for small quantities of water at frequent intervals.
  • Belladonna 200C
    Belladonna is one of the top remedies for Japanese encephalitis. There is high fever with delirium . The eyes and face becomes red. Congestion of the brain occurs.
  • Gelsemium 200C
    Gelsemium is prescribed when headache, vertigo, and pain in neck and shoulder occurs. It may be with or without fever. Dullness, drowsiness and weakness occurs. Chilliness down the back which makes the patient shake. There may be watery bland discharge from nose, face hot, heavy flushed, eye lids heavy and dim sighted. There may be lack of muscular coordination and loss of muscular control.
  • Helleborus 200C
     Helleborus is prescribed when inflammation of the brain with stupefaction occurs. There is weakness of memory, melancholy and drowsiness.
  • Hyoscyamus Niger 200C
    Hyoscyamus is prescribed when inflammation of the brain , congestion of head and face occurs.  There is  violent throbbing headache and giddiness. Violent delirium is another prescribing symptom.
  • Stramonium 200C
    Stramonium is another effective remedy for Japanese encephalitis when inflammation of brain with heat and pulsation of vertex occurs. There is delirium tremers and delusion about his identity. Must have light and company.
Immunity Boosting Experts - Homeoprophylaxis Programs For Children and Adults

Immunity Boosting Experts – Homeoprophylaxis Programs For Children and Adults

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