Malaria Homeoprophylaxis

Malaria Homeoprophylaxis

Homeoprophylaxis has been used for malaria for many years for the boosting natural immunity of this tropical disease in large scale populations in several countries, with tremendous success. Contact us for more information about homeoprophylaxis for Malaria.

Read clinical research on malaria and homeoprophylaxis.

Below is a contemporary timeline of the history of homeoprophylaxis for malaria:
excerpts from article at the National Center for Homeopathy)

  • 2003: A malaria trial conducted in Kenya between 2003-2005 used a homeoprophylactic with a group of 33 volunteers. Twenty-one of the volunteers had experienced 1 – 3 malaria episodes in the 18 months prior to the trial. During the trial, one person thought he may have developed malaria but this was not verified by blood test. After a full recovery in a matter of hours, malaria was considered unlikely. All other participants in the trial remained malaria-free. (xxxiv)
  • 2008: At Kendu Bay, Kenya, where malaria is endemic, 34 clients participated in a homeoprophylaxis observational field study. In the 6 months prior to the study, all participants had experienced attacks of malaria or malaria-like symptoms at least once with 71% experiencing malaria or malaria-like symptoms at least once a month or every two weeks. Over the course of the study and use of the prophylactic only 12% (4 out of the 34 respondents) experienced an attack of malaria or malaria-like symptoms. (xxxv)
  • 2011-2013: Chhattisgarh, India is a known endemic area for malaria. Between 2004 -2010 it had an alarming increase in deaths from the disease. Determined to halt a repeat or worsening in 2011 the Health Minicov instructed that a known homeopathic treatment and prophylactic remedy be distributed to 9 areas within the affected state. The results of this initiative were “more than encouraging”. Significant protection was achieved with data showing that higher the number of doses of the prophylactic, the lower the number of malaria cases. Those in unprotected areas were 5 times more likely to contract the disease. On the strength of these results the program was expanded to 20 areas in 2012 and 40 areas in 2013. (xxxvi)
  • 2013: Researchers evaluated the efficacy of two homeoprophylactics in combination therapy against lethal murine malaria in mice. The combination of remedies showed significant reduced activity with chemosuppression that was higher than the standard drug, pyrimethamine. It also showed a moderate curative activity with complete clearance of parasites in 50% of surviving mice. The researchers stated, “These findings point to the significant antiplasmodial efficacy of the combination of these homeopathic drugs against Plasmodium berghei.” (xxxvii)
  • 2014: A combination remedy for Plasmodium berghei in mice demonstrated considerable in vivo antimalarial activity and enhanced mean survival time. The authors concluded: “The study establishes the effectiveness of the combination against P. berghei in vivo along with the safety of the drugs to the liver and kidney functions of the host.” (xxxviii)

Homeopathic Remedies For Malaria

Below is a list of the most useful homeopathic remedies used for malaria symptoms:

  • Aranea Diadema
    Coldness with pain in the long bones. Chronic malaria. Chilly day and night. Worse during rain. No sweat. Symptoms return at the same hour.
  • Arnica
    General bodily aches and pains from fever. Can not get comfortable. The bed feels too hard. After traveling.
  • Apis
    No thirst, with sweat. Chill with thirst at 3 or 4 P.M., Protracted cases. Nettle rash is present.
  • Arsenicum album
    Indicated most often next to Cinchona, Intensity and long duration of paroxysms with  burning heat. Unquenchable thirst, anxiety and restlessness. Small, quick pulse and a clean tongue. Pallor and exhaustion after attacks. Antidotes quinine and accompanied with a high grade of gastric irritability. Suitable for typo-malarial fevers. Marked prostration. The longer the disease has lasted the more likely will Arsenicum be indicated.
  • Capsicum
    Chill with intense thirst. Drinking causes an aggravation. The chill begins in the back. Heat applied relieves the chill. Thirst is lacking during the fever stage.
  • Carbo vegetabilis
    Old cases, with coldness of feet.
  • Cedron
    Great regularity. Violent symptoms. Headache. Useful warm and damp, low, marshy regions. Congestion to the head during fever with malaise and debility.
  • Chininum sulphuricum
    Great periodicity. Chill towards evening with slight or violent thirst and after the sweat there is much prostration. Great weakness at the epigastrium and debility.  Better with pressure to lower back. Acts better in lower potencies.
  • Cinchona Officinalis (China)
    Epidemic and endemic form of chills and fever. Nervous excitement, anxiety, headache, nausea and irritability. The chill is of short duration and it soon becomes mingled with the heat. Thirstless during fever, very little thirst during the chill and no real thirst during the heat. Desire to moisten the mouth, rather than to quench the thirst. During the fever the veins appear enlarged and there is congestion to the head, redness and heat of face, even though chilly. Desires warmth. Long and profuse sweating with thirst. Marked with debility, restlessness, loss of appetite or great hunger. Anaemia, gray complexion, congestion, backache and edema Scanty urine with brick-dust colored sediment in the urine.
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum
    Bone pains and vomiting as the chill passes. Gastric symptoms similar to Ipecac. Muscular soreness all over the body. Chill is apt to occur on the morning of one day and in the evening of the next and is preceded by thirst and bitter vomiting. Great thirst before being chilled. Chill starts in the small of the back and is accompanied with a sense of pressure over the skull cap. Pressure and weight over the forehead. Aching increases with the fever and the sweat is minor or absent. Yellow tinge to the complexion.
  • Gelsemium
    For malarial conditions in children. The chill runs up the back or starts from the feet. Bruised feeling all over. Person wants to be held during the chill to stop shaking. Chill is about the middle of the day. Heat with a red face. Drowsiness, dizziness and dullness are characteristic symptoms. Thirst is not marked.
  • Ignatia
    Warmth from stove relieves. Thirst occurs only during chill.
  • Ipecac
    Chill is marked and the fever is accompanied with the gastric symptoms, loss of appetite, loathing of food, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Used at the beginning of intermittents in sensitive young patients. Thirst is absent or slight during the chill and the chill predominates. Sweat is usually missing during heart  or there may be a short chill and long fever.  Suffocative cough and spasmodic shortness of breath. During the fever  there are many gastric symptoms, sallow skin, headache, nausea and vomiting. Ipecac is sed when the case seems hard to understand, and a few doses can clear the case and lead to the correct remedy.
  • Menyanthes
    Chill predominates without thirst. Icy coldness of finger tips.
  • Lachesis
    Desires heat, but no relief therefrom. A very important remedy after abuse of quinine.
  • Natrum muriaticum
    Chill is continuous, heat moderate with violent headache, and perspiration wanting or excessive and debilitating and relieving the headache. Complexion is yellowish gray. The spleen and liver are enlarged. Chill commencing about 10:00 am beginning in the back and feet. Great thirst pains in the bones, pains in the back ,headache, debility, accompanied with shortness of breath. Fever blicovs on the lips. During fever feel dejected and apprehensive. Swallow complexion and white coated tongue. Sleepy in the daytime and sleepless at night.
  • Nux vomica
    For cases with gastric symptoms accompanied by nervous symptoms proceeding from the spinal cord. Chill comes on in the afternoon and evening. Chill is predominant and starts with blueness of the fingernails, preceded by aching of the body, gaping and yawing. Dull frontal headache, vertigo and nausea,. Disordered stomach and weakness of the limbs. No relief from covering or from external heat. Also may have alternating chills and heat.
  • Pulsatilla
    Long chill, little heat and no thirst.
  • Rhus Toxicodendron
    Chill begins in the thigh and usually occurs with a dry cough.
Immunity Boosting Experts - Homeoprophylaxis Programs For Children and Adults

Immunity Boosting Experts – Homeoprophylaxis Programs For Children and Adults

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